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Divorce and separation

Un total de 32 enregistrements correspondent à vos critères: Divorce and separation

Divorce is the legal end to a marriage. Separation is the decision by spouses to live apart with the intention of ending the relationship.

Significant changes are coming to the Divorce Act on March 1, 2021.  Check CPLEA's publications page for updated resources on family law.

CPLEA resources for divorce and separation:

All CPLEA family law publications: www.cplea.ca/publications/family


Albertans now have the choice of taking Parenting After Separation in person or as an eCourse. This eCourse is a six hour seminar offering information to parents about separation and divorce process, the effects of separation and divorce on children, techniques for communication and legal information that affects parents and children. Separating or divorcing parents who live near a judicial centre and have issues concerning child support or parenting time may access this service.

Sujets connexes:: Divorce and separation, Family law general resources

This Alberta government webpage provides information for Albertans on how separation and annulment are defined and how they work in relation to ending a marriage. Information is provided on: adult interdependent relationships, separation agreements and annulment.

Sujets connexes:: Divorce and separation

This page provides information for Albertans on the topic of separation and divorce. The purpose is to make Albertans aware of their legal rights and responsibilities.

Sujets connexes:: Divorce and separation

The Family Law Project provides basic legal information on the following topics:

  • Divorce
  • Separation
  • Parenting TIme
  • Child and Spousal Support (also referred to as "maintenance")
  • Family property
  • Adult interdependent partnerships (often referred to as "common-law relationships")
  • Where to go if you need more in-depth information or help

In addition, the Family Law Project assists people in obtaining uncomplicated child support orders and variations, as well as related applications. A volunteer from the Family Law Project may be able to assist you in court if you meet our eligibility criteria. Please call to determine whether we can help you with your issue. The Family Law Project also provides a monthly Do-Your-Own-Divorce Clinic. Please call to obtain more information and to determine whether we can help you with your divorce.

NOTE: Changes to Family Law in Alberta ... The laws about property division for unmarried couples changed on January 1, 2020. The new rules are similar to those that apply to married couples.

Sujets connexes:: Child support, Common law relationships, Divorce and separation, Family law general resources, Spousal support

This website has guides to separation and divorce for kids, for teens, and for parents. The information in the guides for kids and teens is delivered by drawn characters and the content is spoken and written in easily understood language. For parents, in addition to the guide, there are two online courses, Parenting After Separation, and Parenting After Separation: Finances. The kids' and teens' guides are also available in French.

Note: This website has been created by a British Columbia organization, but, apart from some of the contacts listed, the information presented applies across Canada.

Sujets connexes:: Divorce and separation

These "How old do I have to be?" FAQs are provided by the Canadian Legal FAQs, a website of the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta. They provide answers for youth about age-related issues under various topics: family, criminal, medical and health related, legal and financial, activities (such as driving), school and work.

Sujets connexes:: Adoption, Bullying, Common law relationships, Divorce and separation, Drugs and alcohol, Guardianship and trusteeship, Health issues, Landlord and tenant, Marriage, Wills and estates, Youth criminal justice


The Collaborative Family Law Process is about cooperation, not confrontation where clients sign a contract agreeing not to go to court. It is mediation and problem solving with collaborative lawyers where clients try to understand each other. Each client is responsible for information gathering and solutions. This website features general information about collaborative law (definitions, process, resources) and a list of collaborative law professionals in Alberta.

Sujets connexes:: Divorce and separation, Lawyers, Mediation and alternative dispute resolution

This website has multimedia presentations (videos) that provide information on presenting a family matters case in Chambers. The website was created by the Law Courts Education Society of  British Columbia but a lot of the information is relevant to other jurisdictions.

Sujets connexes:: Custody and access, Divorce and separation, Family law general resources, Self-representation

FIRA is a pan-Canadian alliance of individuals, organizations and institutions dedicated to the development and sharing of knowledge focusing on father involvement, and the building of a community-university research alliance supporting this work. Website features research clusters that provide information on and for immigrant fathers, separated and divorced fathers, gay/bi/queer fathers, indigenous fathers, fathers of children with special needs and young fathers.

Sujets connexes:: Child support, Custody and access, Divorce and separation, Research reports and institutes

How is Your Legal Health? The goal of the Legal Health Checks is to encourage people to recognize legal problems early, and to take action when problems are identified. For lawyers, these materials are a way to start conversations with people about the law, how to get legal help and how to work effectively with a lawyer. Topics include:

Sujets connexes:: Divorce and separation, Family law general resources, Legal services, Self-representation
