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Crimes and offences

Un total de 21 enregistrements correspondent à vos critères: Crimes and offences
Définition: Any act that has been contrary to the public good and is, therefore, prosecutable by criminal process. In Canada, most crimes are listed in the Criminal Code.


There are several types of trespassing. This pamphlet focuses on how "trespass" is commonly used and understood as being in relation to property. The pamphlet answers the questions: What is trespass and when does it occur, what are the potential consequences of getting caught,, and what ar ethe laws regarding trespassing, to name just a few.

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences, Criminal law general resources


It’s more common than you think. Shoplifting-related charges are routinely laid against people from all walks of life. This blog post from Toronto criminal defence lawyer Tushar K. Pain outlines the steps that may follow after being arrested for shoplifting.

Sujets connexes:: Arrest, Crimes and offences

The Criminal Code of Canada (C-46) provided by the Department of Justice Canada. This Act is also available to download as a PDF.

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences, Legislative materials

DUI FYI (Impaired Driving Facts) - Video

It’s never safe to drive impaired. Provincial penalties, criminal offenses, legal limits… what does it really mean to drive impaired? What happens at a roadside stop? Do you have any rights when police suspect you of driving impaired? A Youtube production from BearPaw Legal.

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences, Driving, Drugs and alcohol

This tipsheet is produced by the Stride Advocacy Project. The Project works to strengthen community based advocacy that relates and navigates systems and institutions while creating “access without fear” spaces for marginalized and low income Edmontonians.

Sujets connexes:: Bullying, Crimes and offences, Harassment, Hate crime, Human rights

Organized Crime is one of five strategic priorities established by the RCMP. It is defined by Canada’s Criminal Code as crime committed by any group of at least three people that has as one of its main purposes or activities the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offences where the primary motive is profit.

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences, Gangs

This online publication from Department of Justice Canada describes the nature of stalking and ways of dealing with it. It can also be downloaded as a PDF and is available in four different languages (French, Mandarin, Punjabi and Spanish) by using the “Back to Publications” link and scrolling down the page (PDF - 20 pgs. 2003)

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences, Harassment, Relationship violence

The Jack and Mae Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security (formerly the Jack and Mae Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption) studies transnational phenomena and normative issues at the intersections of crime, security and human rights, including legal regulation and intelligence governance in relation to terrorism and counter-terrorism. As a continuation of the former mandate of the Centre, special emphasis is placed on a transnational crime research node.

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences, Gangs

This online resource is from the Student Legal Services of Edmonton. Includes information about: What is Theft?; Defences to a Charge of Theft; Options once a Person has been Charged; Alternative Measures and Victim Offender Mediation Programs; What is Fraud?; What is the Offence of Possession of Property Obtained by Crime?; The Criminal Code Definition of Possession of Property Obtained by Crime. This resource is also available for download as a PDF.

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences

CPLEA Ressources

CPLEA's collection of resources regarding Criminal Law.  Free to download articles on Sexual Violence, Talking to the Police, the Youth Criminal Justice Act

Sujets connexes:: Crimes and offences
