Energy Probe Research Foundation is an environmental and public policy research institute which has four main goals: to provide the public, media, business, and government with information on resource-related issues; to promote sustainable resource use; to encourage individual responsibility and accountability; to help Canada contribute to global justice and prosperity.
Environment Canada is responsible for protecting the environment, conserving the country's natural heritage, and providing weather and meteorological information. The website provides information about programs and services related to air, water, nature, climate change, pollution and waste, sustainable development, environmental enforcement, environmental emergencies, science and technology and weather. One section deals with the numerous acts, regulations and agreements related to their mandate.
This blog written by the lawyers of the Siskinds Environmental Law Firm discusses all areas of environmental law in Canada, especially Ontario. Topics covered include contaminated sites; air and water emissions; waste and recycling; due diligence, compliance and enforcement; director’s liability; environmental assessment and approvals; renewable energy, and climate change.
ICC is the body that represents all Inuit from Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Chukotka on matters of international importance. The principal goals of ICC are to strengthen unity among Inuit of the circumpolar region; promote Inuit rights and interests on an international level; develop and encourage long-term policies that safeguard the Arctic environment; and seek full and active partnership in the political, economic, and social development of circumpolar regions.
The National Energy Board is an independent federal agency that regulates several aspects of Canada's energy industry. Its purpose is to promote safety, environmental protection and economic efficiency in the Canadian public interest within the mandate set by Parliament in the regulation of pipelines, energy development and trade. Links to acts and regulations, regulatory documents, hearings, and publications.
This Library is housed in the offices of the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) in Toronto. The website contains the catalogue of the collection database, including numerous topical research files. The collection reflects the multidisciplinary nature of many environmental issues with a focus on environmental law and policy and includes access to the publications of the former Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy. Researchers who are unable to visit our library may call and request some materials from the collection or receive advice on other locations where they may be found.
A project of the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy, the purpose of this guide is to harness the citizens’ ability to prevent pollution. Citizens can prevent pollution through individual actions, consumer behaviour, and by applying pressure on industrial and commercial operations, and institutions (e.g., our governments) to practice the principles of pollution prevention. (PDF – 48 pages, 2005)
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) helps companies of all sizes and sectors to achieve success in ways that demonstrate respect for ethical values, people, communities and the environment. BSR leads or participates in a range of working groups and collaborative initiatives, undertakes research and provides a variety of reports and publications.
The CEC is an international organization created by Canada, Mexico and the United States under the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. The CEC was established to address regional environmental concerns, help prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts, and to promote the effective enforcement of environmental law. The Agreement complements the environmental provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
This online resource is operated by CONCERN Inc. based in Washington, DC. The initiatives and resources on this website have been selected to help you learn about ways to make your community healthier, safer, greener, more livable, and more prosperous. Topic areas include: Community engagement, Community conflict resolution, Economy, Environment, Health and education, Governance, and Smart Growth.
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