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Public legal education organizations

A total of 34 records were found for Public legal education organizations

Organizations whose primary mandate is to help the public understand the law and the justice system. Public legal education is not: legal advice, legal representation, or continuing legal education for lawyers.



CLEO is a community legal clinic, founded in 1974, that specializes in public legal education. Most of the materials are in the form of booklets, pamphlets, fact sheets and manuals, and can be viewed online, or ordered from CLEO. Topics include social assistance, landlord and tenant law, refugee and immigration law, workers' rights, family law, elder abuse, consumer rights, women's issues and laws affecting young people.  Most publications are available in French, and some are available in other languages.

Related keywords: Public legal education organizations

A project of Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario (CLEO), Your Legal Rights is a website of free legal information for people in Ontario. This site has free, practical, and easy-to-find legal information produced by hundreds of organizations across Ontario, covering a wide range of legal topics, in a variety of formats, and available in dozens of languages. It also provides questions and answers to everyday legal problems, an interactive map of key legal and social services across Ontario, public legal education training webinars for service providers and the latest headlines and community events about the law and access to justice.
Related keywords: Public legal education organizations

Prince Edward Island

The Community Legal Information Association of Prince Edward Island, Inc. (often called CLIA) is a non-profit corporation and a registered charity. CLIA's goal is to provide Islanders with understandable, useful information about our laws and our justice system. Services include an inquiry line, lawyer referral service, speaker’s bureau and a wide range of publications.
Related keywords: Public legal education organizations


Éducaloi is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inform Quebecers of their rights and obligations by providing legal information in everyday language.

Related keywords: Public legal education organizations


The Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) is a non-profit, non-government organization that exists to educate and inform the people of Saskatchewan about the law and legal system. PLEA can help members of the public by providing general legal information, suggesting resources, and telling people about different options for obtaining legal advice.
Related keywords: Public legal education organizations

Northwest Territories

TThe Legal Aid Commission is responsible for public legal education and information in the Northwest Territories.


Related keywords: Public legal education organizations


The Yukon Public Legal Education Association (YPLEA) is a non-profit organization devoted to providing legal information to the public and promoting increased access to the legal system. The goal of the Association is to help the public to identify and understand their legal rights and responsibilities in order to improve their ability to deal with legal matters. Services include Law Line (legal information by telephone) and Publications and Forms (some downloadable, some through the office)

Related keywords: Public legal education organizations


Pivot's mandate is to use the law to address the root causes of poverty and social exclusion. Pivot carries out its work through legal campaigns around policing, housing, and sex work that would result in meaningful positive change for people living in poverty.

Related keywords: Affordable housing, Homelessness, Human rights, Legal services, Poverty, Public legal education organizations

PLEAC is the national association for public legal education in Canada. Founded in 1987, PLEAC is a non-profit organization with the following goals:  to support communication and cooperation between individuals and groups interested in public legal education; to encourage the development of knowledge and skills in this field; and to act as a national voice and advocate on issues that concern PLEAC members.

Related keywords: Public legal education organizations

This online resource is an article written for the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice Summer 2003 newsletter by Lois E. Gander LLM, Legal Resource Centre. (newsletter PDF – 24 p.)

Related keywords: Public legal education organizations
