Created and maintained by the University of Toronto Centre of Criminology Library, this database includes citations to academic and practitioner literature from 1970 to the present. It is updated and maintained on a regular basis and presently includes more than 1,400 records.
The following resources can guide you in the process of investigating a legal issue as well as providing a starting point for your legal research.
For sources of Alberta case law and legislation, see the Laws of Alberta - Cases section.
For dictionaries, see the section Legal Definitions.
CPLEA Suggested Resources
Not sure where to begin finding answers to your questions. Get started with our suggested resources. See additional resources below for more information.
TERMIUM Plus® is one of the largest terminology and linguistic data banks in the world, gives you access to millions of terms in English, French, Spanish and Portugese. TERMIUM Plus® can be used to find terms, abbreviations, definitions and usage examples in a wide range of specialized fields. The data bank is an essential tool for understanding an acronym, checking an official title, finding an equivalent in another language, and much more.
British Columbia Courthouse Library Society have some new video tutorials, which demonstrate research techniques. Learn how to trace federal legislation back in time, note up legislation, and research legislative intent.
GlobaLex is an electronic legal publication dedicated to international and foreign law research. Published by the Hauser Global Law School Program at NYU School of Law, GlobaLex is committed to the dissemination of high-level international, foreign, and comparative law research tools in order to accommodate the needs of an increasingly global educational and practicing legal world. The guides and articles published are written by scholars well known in their respective fields and are recommended as a legal resource by universities, library schools, and legal training courses.
Research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by the NATO librarians. Use the tabs to navigate through the individual guides. Topics include: Arctic Security; Cyberspace Security; Maritime Security; Missile Defence; Women, Peace and Security; NATO's New Strategic Concept; Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan; and Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation.
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