The mission of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton is to foster the dignity and worth of women who come into conflict with the law, and help them live as valued members of their communities. The society offers a variety of programs for women and girls including a legal clinic. The Legal Clinic Program assists federally sentenced women at Edmonton Institute for Women by addressing their legal needs. Their Independent Legal Advice for Survivors of Sexual Violence (ILA) provides free legal advice to survivors of sexual violence. The society also has court workers who provide information to both men and women on court procedure and plea options. They will also provide referrals to duty counsel and other community resources.
Alberta Resources
The Alberta Resotrative Justice Association (ARJA) is a group of organizations and individuals who practice Restorative Justice. The Association supports existing and new Restortaive Justice initiatives in Alberta.
The Calgary John Howard Society's vision is to promote positive change through humane, just, and informed responses to crime and its effects. The organization provides programs for both adults and youth involved in the criminal justice system, or who are at risk for becoming involved in the criminal justice system. Provide support and assist individuals throughout the various stages of the record suspension application process.
The Edmonton Drug Treatment and Community Restoration Court, or “EDTCRC” is intended to reduce drug-related crime through innovative approaches to dealing with offenders. The principles behind this program include recognized drug treatment court concepts, the concept of problem-solving courts, and restorative justice.
The Edmonton Youth Justice is focused on youth and the early community intervention of young offenders or youth who are at risk of offending. They focus on restorative justice measures between the offender and the victim, as well as a focus on extra-judicial measures. They do this through the work of three youth justice committees in the City of Edmonton.
The mission of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton is to foster the dignity and worth of women who come into conflict with the law, and help them live as valued members of their communities. They are a not-for-profit organization that has existed in Edmonton since 1977. The society offers a variety of programs for women and girls including a legal clinic. The Legal Clinic Program assists federally sentenced women at Edmonton Institute for Women by addressing their legal needs. The society has court workers who provide information to both men and women on court procedure and plea options. They also provide referrals to duty counsel and other community resources. The Elizabeth Fry Society helps women with the process of applying for a record suspension.
Youth Society is a non-profit organization that helps Edmonton youth at risk through the arts. Edmonton youth come to iHuman through a number of agencies, prisons, programs, and other referrals, as well as through iHuman’s outreach workers. From intake to addiction treatment, the team provides youth with experienced support, medical and dental care, and connections to various social services.
The Mediation and Restorative Justice Centre (MRJC) is a not-for-profit organization devoted to building safer and peaceful communities. They provide mediation services to people and groups in conflict (neightbour disputes, family situations between siblings, parents, children or other family members), and restorative justice services to victims and offenders. These services are offered free of charge to anyone in the greater Edmonton region (Alberta).
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