The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice is a voluntary, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of justice for all Canadians. Since its inception in 1974, the CIAJ has kept a critical eye on our justice system and explored cutting-edge issues likely to improve the administration of justice and preserve a strong and independent judiciary.
The Canadian Judicial Council was created by Parliament in 1971 Its statutory mandate is set out in subsection 60(1) of the "Judges Act" which establishes that the objects of the Council are to "promote efficiency and uniformity, and to improve the quality of judicial service in superior courts and in the Tax Court of Canada. The Resource Centre on their website provides a gateway to learning more about Canada's court system and the roles of judges and lawyers.
The publication of these guidelines received the endorsement of the Canadian Judicial Council. For the jury to follow and apply the guidelines, they must be clear, complete and accurate. A directive model meets these objectives. However, the existence of model guidelines does not mean that there is only one way to instruct a jury on a given topic. A model directive aims to convey essential information that should be provided to a jury in a simple, understandable and correct language. These guidelines provide an example of how this can be done.
This article from the law firm Pringle Chivers Sparks explains how a judge decides on a sentence, discusses various types of sentences and describes other kinds of orders a judge may make after sentencing.
The Institute’s mission is to contribute to the public, the legal profession, and the Supreme Court of Canada by increasing the effectiveness and quality of advocacy before the Court.The principal activity of the Institute is to provide free, non-partisan advocacy advice to a party’s lawyer who is scheduled to appear in an appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada.The Institute is a registered charity and is intended as a public service.
The site is the first Canadian student program to be conceived, designed and produced by judges. It is a multimedia educational program designed for integration into high school social studies, civics and law courses. It introduces students to the role of judges within our judicial system, and encourages exploration of important concepts such as the rule of law, judicial independence and judicial impartiality. The site is made up of three compenents - a teacher's guide, a resource website for teachers and an online interactive program for students.
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