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Youth criminal justice

A total of 16 records were found for Youth criminal justice

Resources about the distinct laws and separate system for handling crimes committed by people under the age of 18, sometimes called young offenders.



Youth Justice Act, RSA 2000, c Y-1

To access the official version go to: Alberta King’s Printer


Canada Evidence Act, RSC 1985, c C-5

This is a service provided by the Alberta Office of the Child and Youth Advocate.

The LRCY provides lawyers for children and youth in child intervention matters. Anyone can make a request for a lawyer for a young person. A court order is not needed. Call the LRCY office at 1.800.661.3446


Related keywords: Lawyers, Legal aid, Legal services, Other legal personnel, Police, Youth criminal justice

These FAQs are provided by the Canadian Legal FAQs, a website of the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta. They provide answers to questions about the Criminal Code of Canada. On this page you will find general information FAQs on the Code, shoplifting, and joyriding.

Related keywords: Crimes and offences, Criminal law general resources, Criminal records and record suspensions, Youth criminal justice

Alberta Resources

The Calgary Youth Justice Society, through a community-development approach, contributes to the success of Youth Justice Committees by providing fundamental support through public awareness, resources, training and guidance. They provide support and leadership to communities who are interested in establishing a Youth Justice Committee.
Related keywords: Restorative justice, Youth criminal justice

Chart describing criminal justice process for youth.
Related keywords: Criminal law general resources, Youth criminal justice

The Edmonton Youth Justice is focused on youth and the early community intervention of young offenders or youth who are at risk of offending. They focus on restorative justice measures between the offender and the victim, as well as a focus on extra-judicial measures. They do this through the work of three youth justice committees in the City of Edmonton.

Related keywords: Restorative justice, Youth criminal justice

The Office of the Child and Youth Advocate (OCYA) is an independent office of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, mandated to work with vulnerable young people. 

This includes young people receiving or attempting to access services under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act and the Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act; or who are involved with the youth justice system. 

Related keywords: Advocacy, Child abuse, Family violence general resources, Legal services, Other legal personnel, Youth criminal justice

Restorative Actions for Transformation (RAFT) provides restorative justice services in Calgary for youth who have committed offenses, their victims and the wider community that has been affected by the offense. Their programs include community conferencing, victim offender dialogue and crime impact sessions.

Related keywords: Youth criminal justice

These "How old do I have to be?" FAQs are provided by the Canadian Legal FAQs, a website of the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta. They provide answers for youth about age-related issues under various topics: family, criminal, medical and health related, legal and financial, activities (such as driving), school and work.

Related keywords: Adoption, Bullying, Common law relationships, Divorce and separation, Drugs and alcohol, Guardianship and trusteeship, Health issues, Landlord and tenant, Marriage, Wills and estates, Youth criminal justice

The Youth Restorative Action Project is a Youth Justice Committee sanctioned under the new Youth Criminal Justice Act. It is the first YJC mandated to work in youth court with young people who have caused harm as a result of hate crimes and significant social issues YRAP is also the first such committee to be comprised entirely of Youth Members, and takes a unique approach to achieving the goals of Restorative Justice. YRAP also collaborates on projects promoting justice equality and rights for all youth, particularly youth at risk and new Canadians.

Related keywords: Restorative justice, Youth criminal justice


A multipurpose website operated by the Youth Engagement Section of the RCMP. Discusses many youth-related topics including diversity, drugs, violence, health & safety, and internet safety. Includes a section for educators, parents, and adults who work with youth.

Related keywords: Classroom materials, Crime prevention, Youth criminal justice
