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Apply for interjurisdictional spousal or partner support orders

This Alberta government site provides informtation on how to apply for spousal or partner support if you or the other party lives outside Alberta. An Interjurisdictional Support Order (ISO) application can create, change or enforce a support order when the payor or recipient lives outside Alberta. Did you know you can prepare an ISO application if you: were divorced outside Canada, were never married, were married but a divorce action hasn’t been started, aren’t making a first-time application for support,  and haven’t started a divorce action in Alberta.

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Spousal and Partner Support in Alberta

This information on how to apply for spousal and partner support in Alberta. You can apply for spousal or partner support as long as you have care and control over a child, even if you’re not their parent. Page provides information on getting started, documents needed, what forms to use, how to file a claim,  As well as information on how to file an interjurisdicational Support Order Applications if the other party lives outside Alberta.

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