This main page of the Alberta Courts website outlines the three court divisions: Alberta's Court of Appeal, Court of King's Bench, and Provincial Court, as well as the Court Services division. Descriptions include links to the Locations and Sittings for each court.
For information about the court process and the organization and structure of the court system, see Legal process. For research and reports on issues impacting the court system, see Research reports and institutes.
Alberta Resources
Search for decisions that have been made through the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal using the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII).
This information has been produced by the Edmonton Community Legal Centre. It discusses your appearance in Traffic Court.
The Calgary Drug Treatment Court has been in operation since 2007, providing the only community alternative to incarceration for non-violent drug-addicted offenders whose crimes are driven by drug addiction. CDTC is an evidence-based program that integrates court intervention and treatment services to end drug-driven crime and assist participants to return to family, work and community.
From the Great Library of the Law Society of Upper Canada, this web page provides annotated links to case law as well as case-related services and information available mainly on the websites of Alberta courts and administrative tribunals.
Search for actions in Civil, Family, Divorce, Bankruptcy, Apeals, Surroget - Estate and Surrogate - Represented Adult. Use this online form to request a search of civil actions in Alberta Court of King's Bench, or to request a search of a specific action either by party name or by court action/ file number.
This information discusses the procedures of the Civil Division of the Provincial Court. The Civil division is often referred to as Small Claims Court. The purpose is to make you aware of your legal rights and responsibilities. Information is provided by Calgary Legal Guidance funded in part by the Alberta Law Foundation.
The purpose of this guideline is to set out the criteria to be considered in initiating, prosecuting, and discontinuing appeals to the Court of Appeal of Alberta.
The Edmonton Drug Treatment and Community Restoration Court, or “EDTCRC” is intended to reduce drug-related crime through innovative approaches to dealing with offenders. The principles behind this program include recognized drug treatment court concepts, the concept of problem-solving courts, and restorative justice.
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