The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) works to promote, protect and develop those human rights which serve as the foundation for or underpin democracy, including the rights to freedom of expression, to vote and participate in governance, to access information and to freedom of assembly and association. Their website provides access to reports, publications and papers relating to democracy rights. It also contains analyses of draft laws from various jurisdictions and outlines details of various projects in which the CLD is involved.
Human rights are moral rights and freedoms that belong to everyone simply by reason of being human. They include the right to life, liberty and a decent human experience as well as all of the political, social, and economic rights necessary for people to live dignified lives. In Canada these rights are protected both by specific laws (for example, anti-discrimination laws) and by our constitution.
CPLEA resources on human rights. Resources include information on how to file a human rights complaint. See:
The Cornell Death Penalty Project is an undertaking of the Cornell Law School. The Project sponsors two clinics that provide students with the opportunity to assist in the representation of capital defendants, both at trial and at various stages of the appeals process. The Project also sponsors periodic symposia related to capital punishment, and in addition, conducts empirical research on jury decision making in capital cases.
Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) is a resource pack for teachers to introduce students aged 13 to 18 to the basic rules of international humanitarian law. It was designed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (CICR). The learning materials, which provide 36 hours of activities, are based on real-life situations and show how IHL aims to protect life and human dignity during armed conflict and prevent and reduce the suffering and devastation caused by war.
Refworld contains a vast collection of information of refugee status: reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. It also includes special features on topics of importance to UNHCR such as refugee status determination, statelessness, migration, gender equality and women, internally displaced people, resettlement, voluntary repatriation and children.
An online community that connects youth to find inspiration, access information, get involved, and take action in their local and global communities. Learn about and become involved in issues related to Social justice and human rights, Poverty and globalization, Peace and conflict, Environment, Cultural diversity and equity, Education, Health and wellness. The site also includes a special section for educators.
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The full text appears on this webpage.
The purpose of this site from UNICEF is to offer all children and adolescents a safe and supportive global cyberspace within which they can explore, discuss and partner on issues related to human rights and social change. Topics include Education, Environment, Violence and Conflict, Poverty and hunger, HIV/AIDS, Health, and Human Rights.
WITNESS trains and supports activists and citizens around the world to use video safely, ethically, and effectively to expose human rights abuse and fight for human rights change. Projects include Critical response, Technology advocacy, Video as evidence, Video archiving and Training. Their Human Rights Channel project provides access to citizen video verification and curation resources.
Developed by The World Bank, Youthink! is a blog for sharing stories and ideas on how young people are shaping the fight against poverty and the future of global development. Topics include education, environment, conflict, health, gender, and globalization. There is also a section for teacher’s resources.
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