The Calgary Chinese Community Service Association is an ethnocultural community service agency. CCSA offers four core programs: Children and Youth, Integration and Civic Engagement (ICE), Health Program, and Legal Program. Their Law and Advocacy Program is funded by the Alberta Law Foundation and provides a range of services including: basic legal information and referrals, Commissioner for Oaths and Notary, a free legal outreach clinic and will and estate documents drafting services.
United Cultures of Canada Association is a non-profit community based organization located in Edmonton, Alberta. It provides a variety of program and services to Edmonton's multicultual community. Their mandate is to create situations of social inclusion for immigrant communities leading to their effective participation and successful integration into Canadian society. Included in the many initiatives offered by the Association are services, programs and publications on that provide information on human rights, residential tenancies, domestic abuse, interpreting services and a free Multicultural Family Law Facilitation (Interpreting) Service. This free service is provided to ensure equal access to justice for those who are experiencing language barriers and assist service providers and newcomer communities in family law matters, UCCA provides on-site and phone legal interpreting in a number of lanaguages.
Alberta Resources
The Calgary Chinese Community Service Association is an ethnocultural community service agency. CCSA offers four core programs: Children and Youth, Integration and Civic Engagement (ICE), Health Program, and Legal Program. Their Law and Advocacy Program is funded by the Alberta Law Foundation and provides a range of services including: basic legal information and referrals, Commissioner for Oaths and Notary, a free legal outreach clinic. and free Wills & Estates Document Drafting Services (CCCSA provides free drafting services for Personal Directives, Enduring Powers of Attorney, and Wills for low-income seniors (ages 65+). Asset screening will be conducted for eligibility. and will and estate documents drafting services.)
REACH is Edmonton's Council for Safe Communities. REACH is a community-based organization working to mobilize and coordinate organizations, community groups and Edmontonians to find innovative solutions to prevention and community safety.
United Cultures of Canada Association is a non-profit community based organization located in Edmonton, Alberta. It provides a variety of program and services to Edmonton's multicultual community. Their mandate is to create situations of social inclusion for immigrant communities leading to their effective participation and successful integration into Canadian society. Included in the many initiatives offered by the Association are services, programs and publications on that provide information on human rights, residential tenancies, domestic abuse, interpreting services and a free Multicultural Family Law Facilitation (Interpreting) Service. This free service is provided to ensure equal access to justice for those who are experiencing language barriers and assist service providers and newcomer communities in family law matters, UCCA provides on-site and phone legal interpreting in a number of lanaguages.
Founded in 1980, the Canadian Ethnocultural Council (CEC) is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of national ethnocultural umbrella organizations which, in turn, represent a cross-section of ethnocultural groups across Canada. The CEC's objectives are to ensure the preservation, enhancement and sharing of the cultural heritage of Canadians, the removal of barriers that prevent some Canadians from participating fully and equally in society, the elimination of racism and the preservation of a united Canada.
Founded in 1980, the Canadian Ethnocultural Council (CEC) is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of national ethnocultural umbrella organizations which, in turn, represent a cross-section of ethnocultural groups across Canada. The CEC's objectives are to ensure the preservation, enhancement and sharing of the cultural heritage of Canadians, the removal of barriers that prevent some Canadians from participating fully and equally in society, the elimination of racism and the preservation of a united Canada.
Classroom Connections is a non-profit organization which produces educational materials which are innovative in content and pedagogy and designed to engage and motivate youth. Many of their resources deal with citizenship and diversity.
This site is part of a funded project to assist teachers, students, scholars or any activists who wish to promote equity and the acceptance of differences within schools and communities. This site offers a variety of on-line resources, funding sources, glossaries, examples of projects, and selected readings to help you get started.
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