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Human rights

A total of 85 records were found for Human rights

Human rights are moral rights and freedoms that belong to everyone simply by reason of being human. They include the right to life, liberty and a decent human experience as well as all of the political, social, and economic rights necessary for people to live dignified lives. In Canada these rights are protected both by specific laws (for example, anti-discrimination laws) and by our constitution.

CPLEA resources on human rights. Resources include information on how to file a human rights complaint. See:


The Canadian Human Rights Commission commissioned this research project to examine past legal assessments of accommodation for environmental sensitivities, including how third parties may be involved and the relevance of buildings codes and standards. This report concludes by providing descriptions of best practices in relation to accommodation of environmental sensitivities and principles of universal design.  This 44-page PDF is available for free download. (2007)

Related keywords: General health law and policy, Human rights, Workers' health and safety

This website section from Canadian Heritage is provided as a central reference library of the most essential and current official documents, both UN and Canadian, which describe in detail the links between the international and the domestic Canadian human rights field.

Related keywords: Human rights, International law

The principal purpose of the Association is to provide professional development for individuals employed at colleges and universities in the area of discrimination and harassment, including harassment as identified under human rights law.

Related keywords: Harassment, Human rights

The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) is a network of Canadian organizations and individuals who promote respect for the rights of children. Its purpose is to: exchange information; provide public education materials about the Convention on the Rights of the Child; monitor implementation of the Convention in Canada; and engage in dialogue with government officials on child rights issues.

Related keywords: Advocacy, Human rights, International law

The Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) is a dynamic coalition of over 50 Canadian women’s equality-seeking and related organizations. FAFIA’s mandate is to further women’s equality in Canada through domestic implementation of its’ international human rights commitments.
Related keywords: Human rights

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is based in Montréal. It is the only national, community-based, charitable organization in Canada working exclusively in the area of policy and legal issues raised by HIV/AIDS. It was formed in November 1992 and has over 200 members across Canada and internationally.

Related keywords: AIDS/HIV, Human rights

The Commission's business is to make the Canadian Human Rights Act work for the benefit of all Canadians. There are three main aspects to its work: To provide effective and timely means for resolving individual complaints; To promote knowledge of human rights in Canada and to encourage people to follow principles of equality; and to help reduce barriers to equality in employment and access to services. Their website includes sections with publications and frequently asked questions.The Commission provides dispute resolution services in cases of alleged discrimination by federally regulated organizations, including employers, unions and service providers. This online resource addresses issues such as alternative dispute resolution and the dispute resolution process.

Related keywords: Federal government departments, Human rights, Mediation and alternative dispute resolution

This website is produced by the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (CERA), an Ontario-based non profit human rights organization that has spent the past 20 years challenging the systemic barriers and discrimination that contribute to homelessness and housing insecurity. The goal of this website is to provide housing workers and advocates across Canada with information and tools to enable them to overcome - using a human rights framework - the barriers that keep people from accessing and retaining adequate housing.
Related keywords: Affordable housing, Homelessness, Human rights

CERA’s Women’s Program was established in early 2000 to address low-income women’s experiences of inequality and discrimination in housing in Canada. The Women’s Program undertakes advocacy, litigation support, networking and research aimed at investigating and addressing the economic and social conditions that contribute to women’s inequality in housing.

Related keywords: Advocacy, Affordable housing, AIDS/HIV, Homelessness, Human rights, Poverty

CCPI is a national coalition founded in 1989 to bring together low-income activists and poverty law advocates for the purpose of assisting poor people in Canada to secure and assert their rights under international human rights law, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the "Charter"), human rights legislation and other laws in Canada.

Related keywords: Advocacy, Homelessness, Human rights, Research reports and institutes
