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Human rights

A total of 85 records were found for Human rights

Human rights are moral rights and freedoms that belong to everyone simply by reason of being human. They include the right to life, liberty and a decent human experience as well as all of the political, social, and economic rights necessary for people to live dignified lives. In Canada these rights are protected both by specific laws (for example, anti-discrimination laws) and by our constitution.

CPLEA resources on human rights. Resources include information on how to file a human rights complaint. See:


Pivot's mandate is to use the law to address the root causes of poverty and social exclusion. Pivot carries out its work through legal campaigns around policing, housing, and sex work that would result in meaningful positive change for people living in poverty.

Related keywords: Affordable housing, Homelessness, Human rights, Legal services, Poverty, Public legal education organizations

This resource was designed to help teachers and educators promote active citizenship and encourage youth to explore their rights and responsibilities in building inclusive communities based on understanding and respect. The four themes in this resource offer methods for raising awareness of human rights, understanding the role of stereotypes and prejudices in promoting discrimination, and exploring how racism and other injustices are manifested in our schools, communities, and society.

Related keywords: Citizenship and nationality, Classroom materials, Human rights, Racism

This web site from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology is dedicated to providing students and scholars alike with an information hub for existing Canadian hate crime literature. One can navigate through the links on this site to find summaries of books, academic papers, conference proceedings, and organization and government reports that have addressed the issue of hate crime in Canada. Additional sections provide information about national and international anti-hate crime organizations.

Related keywords: Criminology, Hate crime, Human rights, Racism, Research reports and institutes

Status of Women Canada (SWC) is a federal government organization that promotes the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada. SWC works to advance equality for women and to remove the barriers to women's participation in society, putting particular emphasis on increasing women's economic security and eliminating violence against women.
Related keywords: Federal government departments, Human rights

An online community that connects youth to find inspiration, access information, get involved, and take action in their local and global communities. Learn about and become involved in issues related to Social justice and human rights, Poverty and globalization, Peace and conflict, Environment, Cultural diversity and equity, Education, Health and wellness. The site also includes a special section for educators.

Related keywords: Citizenship and nationality, Civil society, Classroom materials, Human rights

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects a number of rights and freedoms, including freedom of expression and the right to equality. It forms part of our Constitution – the highest law in all of Canada – and is one of our country’s greatest accomplishments. Learn about the Charter, access learning resources and order a copy of the Charter.

Related keywords: Charter of Rights, Civil liberties, Human rights

Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, in cooperation with other Canadian human rights commissions and TakingItGlobal, launched a new interactive youth website celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This website provides youth with an interactive forum to help them learn about human rights and engage in a human rights dialogue. The website also offers tips for youth to get involved in promoting and protecting human rights.
Related keywords: Human rights


The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) is an international, multi-generational, feminist, creative, future-orientated membership organization committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women's human rights. AWID’s work is structured through multi-year programs known as Strategic Initiatives. Each strategic initiative includes a range of activities from membership consultations and surveys, primary research and dialogues with policy makers (including targeted advocacy) to capacity building institutes, regional networking and information dissemination. In addition, AWID works to ensure that the specific priorities and voices of young women are strongly represented in all our initiatives.

Related keywords: Advocacy, Human rights, International law

The Avon Global Center for Women and Justice at Cornell Law School works with judges, legal professionals, governmental and non-governmental organizations to improve access to justice in an effort to eliminate violence against women and girls.

Related keywords: Family violence general resources, Human rights, International law, Relationship violence

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) helps companies of all sizes and sectors to achieve success in ways that demonstrate respect for ethical values, people, communities and the environment. BSR leads or participates in a range of working groups and collaborative initiatives, undertakes research and provides a variety of reports and publications.

Related keywords: Business, Environmental protection and conservation, Human rights
