In the Community

Abuse and violence impacts the entire community. As it can take many forms, there may be several areas that concern you that most. Included here are resources on gang violence, assault, stalking, restraining orders, and cruelty to animals.

The resources on this page were hand-picked by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta's staff as a good place to start.

You may also find helpful resources listed under these legal topics - Crimes and offences, Sexual assault, Victim support and victim rights and the site sections: Police and Crime, Victims of Crime

CPLEA Suggested Resources

Not sure where to begin finding answers to your questions. Get started with our suggested resources. See additional resources below for more information.

This online resource is provided by Willownet, a website of the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta. This resource includes information about restraining orders in emergency and non-emergency situations, as well as the process of getting a restraining order, and the steps to take after applying for a restraining order.

Related legal topic(s): Relationship violence, Spousal abuse

Alberta Resources

The Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Alberta SPCA) is a provincially-incorporated nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare of animals. They encourage the humane treatment of animals through enforcement of animal protection legislation and through education programs throughout Alberta. They will investigate reports from the general public of animal cruelty or neglect.

Related legal topic(s): Animal Welfare

This online resource is from the Student Legal Services of Edmonton. Includes information about: What is Assault?, Intent, Consent, Self-Defence, Legal Options Available to the Victim, and Self-Referral Numbers. This resource is also available for download as a PDF (6 pgs)..

Related legal topic(s): Crimes and offences, Sexual assault, Victim support and victim rights

Free Domestic Violence resource that CPLEA offers that are available in either Print or as a Download. 

These resources provide general legal information to those dealing with Domestic Violence in Alberta. These material do NOT provide legal advice! 

Related legal topic(s): Family violence general resources, Protective orders, Relationship violence, Sexual assault, Spousal abuse, Victim support and victim rights

This online resource is provided by the Edmonton Police Services and contains information about various aspects of gangs and gang life, including: Traits of Gang Members; Communities vs Gangs; Getting Out of A Gang; Graffiti and Tagging; and Organized Crime Legislation.
Related legal topic(s): Gangs

This online resource is provided by the Calgary Police. It has information on what the Calgary Police are doing to combat gangs, as well as more general information about gangs and the gang life, a fact section (images may be found to be disturbing to some viewers), and information on what parents can do.
Related legal topic(s): Gangs

REACH is Edmonton's Council for Safe Communities. REACH is a community-based organization working to mobilize and coordinate organizations, community groups and Edmontonians to find innovative solutions to prevention and community safety.

Related legal topic(s): Consumer protection and fraud, Credit and debt, Crime prevention, Gangs, Multiculturalism, Prostitution and pornography, Public safety, School safety, Sexual harassment

The Rainbow Pages is a resource guide developed by The Family Centre to provide Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual+ (2SLGBTQIA+) youth and youth-serving communities with a consolidated guide of support available in Edmonton. We provide a directory of services and supports on our website as well as physical brochures for organizations and the community.

Related legal topic(s): Bullying, Human rights


This tipsheet is produced by the Stride Advocacy Project. The Project works to strengthen community based advocacy that relates and navigates systems and institutions while creating “access without fear” spaces for marginalized and low income Edmontonians.

Related legal topic(s): Bullying, Crimes and offences, Harassment, Hate crime, Human rights

This online publication from Department of Justice Canada describes the nature of stalking and ways of dealing with it. It can also be downloaded as a PDF and is available in four different languages (French, Mandarin, Punjabi and Spanish) by using the “Back to Publications” link and scrolling down the page (PDF - 20 pgs. 2003)

Related legal topic(s): Crimes and offences, Harassment, Relationship violence