This Guide provides a list of Indigenous organizations and services in Alberta. Also included are national and umbrella organizations with offices located elsewhere.The Guide is compiled and produced by the Ministry of Indigenous Relations in order to provide contact information for these Indigenous organizations and services .
Are you looking for resources about legal issues facing Aboriginal women, or organizations that support Aboriginal women?
Gathered on this page are resources that were developed with you in mind. But there may be general resources that are also appropriate.
See the section Learn More About... or search the list of all legal topics to find other relevant information.
For more general resources for women, see the section Women.
CPLEA Suggested Resources
Not sure where to begin finding answers to your questions. Get started with our suggested resources. See additional resources below for more information.
This video explains the traditional role of Aboriginal grandparents, the historical significance of family members being severed from one another, and what a grandparent can do to maintain connection to their grandchild in government care in Alberta today. Grandparents will learn about Family Group Conferences, guardianship, kinship care, and visitation and feel empowered in their sacred family role.
This resource, Support Services for Albertans, is a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of organizations across the province that provide a multitude of services that compliment the support Legal Aid Alberta is able to provide. The resource mainly focuses on organizations offering legal supports to residents, but also provides information about organizations that provide social supports for some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. This includes, but is not limited to, women in abusive relationships, Indigenous Albertans, youth, and the homeless.
Alberta Resources
A resource for support workers and community advocates to help women to better understand the law around child welfare. It was produced by the VAW Legal Information Resource: Supporting Aboriginal Women Facing Violence project as an on-line legal information resource
This information sheet discusses matrimonial property rights on First Nation reserves and answers the questions - What are the new laws and how might these laws affect me? If the First Nation does not have their own Matrimonial Property Laws (MRP), Provisional Federal Rules apply. You can check with your band office to see if they created these laws.If your First Nation does have MRP laws, you should consult your band office
REACH is Edmonton's Council for Safe Communities. REACH is a community-based organization working to mobilize and coordinate organizations, community groups and Edmontonians to find innovative solutions to prevention and community safety.
LawNow is a bi-monthly digital public legal education magazine which has been published by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta for 40 years. Its articles and columns are written in plain language take a practical look at how the law relates to the every day lives of Canadians. In each issue, LawNow’s aboriginal law column takes a look at a specific topic in this area of law and explains it clearly and concisely.
The Hope for Wellness Helpline is available to all Indigenous people across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent counsellors are reachable by telephone and online ‘chat’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Telephone support is available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut. Online Chat services are only available in English and French.
The Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women is a non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of Aboriginal Women and is currently involved in many activities for the benefit of Alberta Aboriginal Women. The IAAW works to achieve social justice for Aboriginal women by: Researching and developing resource materials; Identifying opportunities to participate in policy development and decision making with the municipal, provincial, federal governments; and Challenging and eradicating discrimination of Aboriginal women.
The establishment of the NACAFV is in the spirit of Aboriginal people taking responsibility and ownership for addressing the issues surrounding family violence. The NACAFV can serve many stakeholders by acting as a national clearinghouse for on-the-ground information, by developing standards and training programs. NACAFV as an organization has its basis in a consultative process that respects and recognizes Aboriginal knowledge as necessary for the effective provision of family violence intervention and prevention to Aboriginal peoples.
This resource guide by the Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia provides readers with valuable tools to address the issue of safety in an easy to read format.(PDF - 50 pages, 2011)
Developed by the Native Women's Association of Canada the toolkit provides Aboriginal women with community safety planning resources to address domestic violence. The toolkit also includes a Who’s Who: Domestic Violence Resource Guide of services available to Aboriginal women in every province and territory.
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