The following organizations provide free or low-cost legal assistance as described.
CPLEA Suggested Resources
Not sure where to begin finding answers to your questions. Get started with our suggested resources. See additional resources below for more information.
The Calgary Chinese Community Service Association is an ethnocultural community service agency. CCSA offers four core programs: Children and Youth, Integration and Civic Engagement (ICE), Health Program, and Legal Program. Their Law and Advocacy Program is funded by the Alberta Law Foundation and provides a range of services including: basic legal information and referrals, Commissioner for Oaths and Notary, a free legal outreach clinic and will and estate documents drafting services.
Do you need help with a civil matter in Provincial Court? Volunteer lawyers can provide legal advice, information on court procedures, help preparing for trials, motions and other appearances, including help completing forms. This service is available at the Calgary Courts Centre. Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. The program does not assist with: family, criminal or corporate law matters, matters in Court of King's Bench or other Appeal Courts, and pre-trial conferences and mediations.
Do you need help in Masters or Justice Chambers? The program offers a free legal advice clinic on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for bankruptcy, foreclosure, other civil matters, as well as preparing for court. Help is available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for applications, bankruptcy matters, motions and other appearances. Please note: This Program does not assist with: family, criminal or corporate law matters, matters in Provincial Court or other Appeal Courts, and pre-trial conferences and mediations.
Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) is a non-profit organization established in 1982 as a registered charity. CIWA is a culturally diverse settlement agency that recognizes, responds to, and focuses on the unique concerns and needs of immigrant and refugee women, girls and their families. The organization's website details their service areas including legal services, crime prevention education, and civic engagement services.
Calgary Legal Guidance provides free legal advice for individuals with low income. If you need legal information and advice on: Family issues; Criminal issues; Civil issues; Restraining Orders; Emergency Protection Orders etc; Social Benefit issues; and; an evening course on Do Your Own Divorce.
Calgary Legal Guidance offers legal advice and assistance to newcomers who are looking for help in various immigration law matters. The Immigration Law Project can assist clients with: Making a claim for refugee protection, Preparing and filing applications for permanent residence, Applying for work permits,temporary resident visas and study permits, Family sponsorship issues, and Representation in specially considered cases. CLG offers three free legal advice outreach clinics at the following locations: Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) (403.263.4414) - Offering advice in Family and Immigration Law; Centre for Newcomers (403.569.3325) Offering advice in Family and Immigration Law; and Immigrant Service Calgary (403.265.1120) Offering advice in Immigration Law for permanent residents and Canadian citizens. Call each location directly to book an appointment
If you are a current or potential immigrant to Calgary this website will connect you to resources to support your success in a new life in Canada. Services are provided by a large staff of multi-cultural professionals, who understand and have experienced the settlement process. The Centre offers a full suite of services, including: English language training for adults, supports for finding and retaining employment, and first-language settlement supports for individuals and families. With the assistance of Calgary Legal Guidance they are offering a free legal advice outreach clinic in family and immigration law.
Immigrant Services Calgary is a comprehensive immigrant settlement agency. ISC provides information on housing, education, the Calgary school systems, employment, health care, documents, citizenship and immigration, accreditation and general help in adjusting to life in Canada. Services provided also include offering advice in immigration law for permanent residents and Canadian citizens.
Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC) is a national network of law schools and community organizations that matches law students who want to do pro bono work with public interest and non-governmental organizations, government agencies, tribunals and legal clinics during the academic year and during the summer. Over the past decade the program has expanded to include the Family Law Project, where students provide legal information to unrepresented individuals at the Provincial Family Court.
Student Legal Assistance (SLA) is an association of law students at the University of Calgary which provides year-round free legal assistance and representation to University of Calgary students and members of the public who are unable to afford legal services. Our services include: Representing qualifying individuals in Provincial Court for criminal, traffic, family and civil matters in Calgary, Banff and surrounding areas; Providing legal advice and services at the Calgary Drop In Centre; Assisting students with academic appeals; and Providing summary legal advice. A nominal disbursement charge applies to non-University of Calgary students.
If you’ve been audited or reassessed by the Canada Revenue Agency and don’t agree with the result, the Tax Court Assistance Program (TCAP) may be able to help. The program is designed to help low-income Calgarians with tax dispute resolution.
The Women's Centre of Calgary is an ongoing source of information, support and advocacy. The Centre offers women quick access to emergency food, personal care supplies and bus tickets. It provides referrals to other agencies for food, clothing, furniture, housing, health, employment, education and recreation. The Centre operates a Legal Advice Clinic where volunteer lawyers provide free, half-hour legal advice sessions to women. The clinic is aimed at providing women with the preliminary information and support they may need to access the legal system. Family and other types of law are addressed, but not criminal law.
Alberta Resources
Calgary Legal Guidance (CLG) offers a Do Your Own Divorce clinic to individuals who are looking for information about the divorce process and who have already settled their child support, property and debts and now want to divorce .Parties have to have been separated for more than one year, to have lived in Alberta for one year, and have an agreement as to family property division and child custody/access. For information on up and coming Do Your Own Divorce Clinics you can contact CLG at 403-234–9266.
This project assists self-represented litigants with their civil claims in Calgary's King's Bench Masters and Justice Chambers. The project includes a "storefront" afternoon shift where self-represented litigants and get summary legal information regarding civil matters in the follow areas of law: civil, bankruptcy, real estate, and court procedure. Hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning and afternoon.
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