The Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre is a Canadian non-governmental, non-profit organization affiliated with the University of Calgary which undertakes research on contemporary civil liberties and human rights issues that are of concern to Albertans. The projects are diverse - from proposals for reform of human rights legislation, to a report on citizen complaints about police conduct, to a manual for lawyers who represent mentally disabled clients. Staff and volunteers make presentations on a wide range of civil liberties and human rights topics.
This section features organizations that conduct research or gather data about various law-related issues.
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Alberta Resources
The Alberta Gambling Research Institute is a consortium of the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge. Its primary purpose is to support and promote research into gambling in the province. The Institute aims to achieve international recognition in gambling-related research.
The Alberta Gaming Research Institute is a consortium arrangement of the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge. Its primary purpose is to support and promote research into gaming and gambling in the province. The identified research domains include bio-psychological and health care, socio-cultural, economic, and government and industry policy and practice. The Institute aims to achieve international recognition in gaming-related research.
Calgary’s 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness was created by the Calgary Committee to End Homelessness, a community-based, multi-stakeholder, leadership group who issued the Plan and selected the Foundation to implement the Plan. On this website, find out about the progress of the 10 Year Plan, the research of the foundation, and information on homelessness and affordable housing in Calgary.
The Canada West Foundation is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit public policy research institute dedicated to introducing western perspectives into current Canadian policy debates through: the production and dissemination of objective research to serve as a catalyst for informed public debate; and initiatives for active citizen education and engagement in the Canadian public policy process.
The Coalition for Equal Access to Education promotes knowledge and dialogue about issues affecting K-12 ESL learners. The Coalition researches and shares information with government, education and community stakeholders via publications, presentations, workshops, public fora and media.
RESOLVE Alberta is part of RESOLVE, which is a tri-prairie research network that co-ordinates and supports research aimed at ending violence, especially violence involving girls and women. The goal of RESOLVE is to reduce the incidence and impact of violence and abuse by: creating and evaluating strategies to address violence and abuse; communicating research results to the public and policy makers; promoting education, awareness, and social change.
Created by the BC Law Institute, the Canadian Centre for Elder Law is a national, non-profit body dedicated to exploring the particular legal issues which affect older Canadians through research, law reform, and education. CCEL has published plain language materials on these topics targeting health care practitionners, non-profit organizations, and the general public.
Founded in 1980, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice.
This Portal is designed to provide child welfare professionals, researchers, and the general public with a single point of access to Canadian child welfare research. The Portal includes a searchable data base of Canadian research publications, a data base of Canadian researchers, and information and statistics about provincial, territorial, aboriginal and national child welfare policies, legislation and programs.
CCSD is a not-for-profit organization that partners and collaborates with all sectors (not-for-profit, philanthropic, government and business) and communities to advance solutions to today’s toughest social challenges. They are neutral, non-partisan, non-governmental and independent. Their mission is: Nation building through evidence, collaboration and design.The Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, which was founded in 1920. The CCSD mission is to develop and promote progressive social policies inspired by social justice, equality and the empowerment of individuals and communities. They do this through research, consultation, public education and advocacy.
The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit, independent organization dedicated to bringing together the public, the courts, the legal profession and government in order to promote a civil justice system that is accessible, effective, fair and efficient.
The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice is a voluntary, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of justice for all Canadians. Since its inception in 1974, the CIAJ has kept a critical eye on our justice system and explored cutting-edge issues likely to improve the administration of justice and preserve a strong and independent judiciary.
The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) was established at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law in the fall of 2003. Through student-centered research and advocacy, the clinic represents consumer and other public interests in such areas as intellectual property, consumer protection in e-commerce, domain name governance, personal information protection and privacy.
Founded in 1978, the Canadian Study of Parliament Group (CSPG) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that brings together parliamentary experts, academics, and public servants with an interest in the role, function and reform of parliamentary institutions. The CSPG organizes and undertakes various events and research publications that foster discussion and enhance knowledge of parliamentary government.
The Centre for Constitutional Studies was established in the fall of 1987 as a result of the collaborative efforts of the Departments of History and Political Science and the Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta. The Centre was founded to encourage and facilitate the interdisciplinary study of constitutional matters both nationally and internationally. The Centre's research activities are complemented by an education programme consisting of public lectures, conferences and publications. The Centre also serves as a clearing house for information and materials relevant to constitutional studies.
The purpose of the Centre is to promote the development of community-centred action research on violence against women and children. The Centre facilitates individuals, groups and institutions representing the diversity of the community to pursue research questions and training opportunities related to the understanding and prevention of abuse.
The FREDA Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children is a joint collaboration between academics at Simon Fraser University and community and women’s organizations working at the grass-roots level. The FREDA Centre is committed to participatory action research, focused specifically on violence against women and children, and works in the interests of the community to end this violence.
The Homeless Hub is a web-based research library and information center where community services providers, researchers, government representatives, and the general public can access and share research, stories, and best practices associated with alleviating homelessness and housing instability.
The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights is a centre within the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law devoted to advocacy, research and education in the areas of constitutional rights in Canada. The Centre aims to play a vital role in articulating Canada's constitutional vision to the broader world. The cornerstone of the Centre is a legal clinic that brings together students, faculty and members of the bar to work on significant constitutional cases and advocacy initiatives
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